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Check us out on “pick Up Lines” with Ernie Zuniga

It all started …

Back in 2013 when the Puente family were fostering two children, they noticed a lack of mental health resources for children in the foster care system and those that accept Medicaid insurance. They knew they could make a positive difference in the community and something had to be done. The Puente family explored becoming a nonprofit and Artvango came into existence in 2017. San Antonio lacked an expressive therapy center for children and families focusing on the overall wellbeing of those affected by abuse, neglect and trauma. Yadi Puente, a foster and adoptive mom of 5 children and board certified art therapist, founded Artvango. Her vision was to empower children with the skills they lack through the use of play, creating art, making music, body movement and Artvango’s therapy dog, Bailey. Incorporating all of these elements in therapy is essential to offer children the healing opportunity to lead healthier lives.

Artvango goes the extra step by involving parents in the healing process by including and educating them on how to parent differently in order for the family to succeed. There isn’t a center like this around San Antonio and that sets Artvango apart from the rest!

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